
Our full curriculum offers diverse opportunities to enable all students to find and explore their passions.

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Academic Opportunities

Our curriculum embraces the challenges of the 21st century. Our teaching helps our students gain skills to be collaborative, creative, critical thinkers with the ability to communicate effectively. We ensure that the learning is relevant and engaging through the use of unique opportunities offered by Whanganui and New Zealand.

We provide a broad range of learning opportunities in the junior school as students journey to subject specialisation in the senior years. Senior students can choose studies at various levels in subjects from Tourism to Mathematics and Psychology. We also offer students the opportunity to explore career interests through short courses and vocational pathways.

Our Academic League acknowledges the top academic performers. These students benefit from academic and social support to help them reach their full potential. Our Learning Support Department provides comprehensive support for students who need addistional assistance to learn. Every student in the school is known well enough to be provided individualised and targeted support.

Achieve  |  Safe  |  Tipuranga  |  Respect  |  Awhi 

“I enjoy my time at Girls’ College because the teachers are constantly helping me be the person I strive to be”

Jahvay Bullock